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Westridge Resident Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why redevelop Westridge Homes?

    • Improve aging infrastructure in need of repair and replacement.

    • Increase affordable housing in Denver.

    • Increase housing options near transportation and amenities.

    • Improve social, physical, and cultural connectivity with the larger West Colfax neighborhood.

    • Better accommodate a mix of family sizes, types, and incomes.


  • Do I have to move?

    • Not right away; no one will move until 2021 at the earliest. The development team at DHA has worked on multiple large scale redevelopment efforts including Benedict Park, Mariposa, and Sun Valley. These properties have been redeveloped in phases to limit the amount of displacement that occurs throughout the process. DHA is committed to keeping residents in the neighborhood and part of the community.


  • Will there be a home for me in the redeveloped Westridge?

    • There will be a home for you in the redeveloped Westridge if you wish to remain in Westridge Homes. Any residents that are relocated to other DHA sites will have the option of “first right of return”. This means that your family will be given the home to meet your family size and need in the redeveloped Westridge Homes.


  • Will my rent increase?

    • Your rent will continue to be calculated based on your income – so your rent will not increase if your income remains the same.


  • What does the relocation process look like? What kind of relocation assistance will be available to me? Do I have to pay to move when my phase come up?

    • A relocation coordinator will meet with you personally if it is determined you will need to be relocated well before it is time for you to move. They will work closely with you to determine what is best for you and your family and personally show you your different options.

    • Relocation assistance is provided for the moving process. Residents will be given a moving allocation based on their family size. There is no allocation provided for families or individuals planning to return once construction is completed.


  • What will be built?

    • The Westridge property is zoned for residential use. Many different housing types are allowed, including townhomes and apartments, but the details will be determined through the master planning process, which includes a thorough community engagement component. The master planning process will explore rezoning options to include mixed use if the plan necessitates.


  • How will residents be involved in the planning and design process?

    • The project team will regularly meet with the LRC, the Community Advisory Committee (CAC), residents of Westridge, and the community at large (1-2 meetings). Surveys will be distributed to residents to gain a better understanding of the health and economic needs of the community. The meeting schedules will be distributed to the community in the coming weeks.


  • Will residents be hired to work on the redevelopment (Section 3 policy)?

    • Yes, residents are hired to work on the redevelopment in various capacities.


  • Where and how can I learn more about the redevelopment?

    • Through the redevelopment website

    • Local Resident Council Meetings and Westridge Community Meetings

    • DHA staff

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